
Fried Clams App

(9 customer reviews)


490 Sold

Small and sweet whole-bellly clams


We deliver Whole Belly Fried Clams anywhere in the US!

We now ship our Whole Belly Fried Clams Nationwide! Visit our dedicated site at to order yours today. Send them as a gift or stock your freezer while you’re out of our regular delivery range.


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Earn up to 450 Points to use on your next order! 100 points = $1 in rewards

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Pint, Quart

9 reviews for Fried Clams App

  1. krv227

    best fried clams in the new bedford/dartmouth area! always clean and fresh. perfectly fried. batter isn’t too heavy either.

  2. dementiamaru1

    Huge portion. Cooked perfectly. Not too oily. The batter and seasoning are delicious.

  3. sleepyrpsgt05 (verified owner)

    Large portion, crispy and delicious.

  4. vanessarosex0 (verified owner)

    Great portion and so fresh.

  5. vanessarosex0 (verified owner)

    Best in town !! Such a light batter not so heavy and not greasy one bit. Perfect portion taste amazing everytime

  6. redsoxbabey33

    Super light and crispy. Always a go to

  7. rosemaryannemarie7

    Light batter and great portion. So delicious

  8. fabrika (verified owner)

    Best fried clams around!

  9. lindasoares922

    Perfect batter! Great portion sizes, no complaints here!

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