Spring into pink! Delicate Spray roses tulips and carnations fill a graceful vase with a cheerful expression of your love. It’s affection perfection! Includes pink spray roses tulips carnations and waxflower accented with fresh pitta negra and variegated pittosporum. Delivered in a lovely glass vase.
How does it work?
1. Make your selections and fill out the card message.
2. Then tap the button “Add to cart” and continue shopping.
3. When you have finished adding all your items to the cart, continue to checkout.
4. At checkout, select the date and time you would like to pick up your order or have your flowers delivered today when you order before 10:00 AM.
Some floral arrangements may need additional processing time, so please plan ahead and order in advance. Or simply give us a call at 774-202-2819 and we’ll help you schedule an order.
Remember to add Dessert and a Specialty Cocktail or wine.
Floral Bouquets provided by our neighbors at Treeland
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